
How do you show up on your mat?

Are you in the present on your mat, realizing what each Asana is here to show you? Jennifer Miller

As a yoga practitioner for over 10 years, I have become very aware of the life connection between “how you are on the mat” and your state of being.

There are many types:
  • Loud Moaning Yogi   They sound like they are having a Meg Ryan “When Harry Met Sally” moment…attempting to achieve the Big O right there on the mat.
  • Sloppy Sweating Yogi   Frequently uncontrolled, all over the place, these types  frequently drip sweat on your area. Unconcerned with anything around them. (I once had a wet towel thrown on my mat; not once, but three times. Each time I grabbed it with my foot and put it back in their area. Yes, my foot. I must say these feet of mine are pretty talented).
  • Intense Oblivious Yogi   Characterized by pushing their practice to the limit and not listening to their bodies. (I see many injuries with these types. You don’t  mess with them or their practice).
  • Super Zen Yogi  Just being near them you feel peace, acceptance and, kindness. (I love them).
  • Competitive Egocentric Yogi   Think ”You’re So Vain” by Carly Simon, and you understand this type…always one eye on those around them and the mirror. They want to be better than you but they are not at peace with who they are.
  • Graceful Connected Yogi   Their practice flows with Spirit in every movement, as if connected to a higher source. Each Asana is a dance with life. They are Zen and Grace unified with the whole of the Universe. (I feel they are in the present on their mat, realizing what each Asana is here to show them:  Mind, Body and Spirit in Divine Harmony).

How are you on the mat?

Do you see a connection to the mat and your personality?

Can you stay in the moment and BE with what is?

Try observing yourself during your next practice and be present to what the beauty of Yoga has to teach us all.


Namaste, Jennifer Miller

2 responses to “Yoga

  1. Veena Grover,RYT

    Mat is the best friend during yoga practice,Express your joy,sorrow,find your inner connection through yoga practice & enjoy the inner tranquility.
    Dance your self with breath & move with grace.Jennifer,excellent article.
    Thanks. veena

  2. Veena Grover RYT, Jennifer,good to see you.Happy New Year 201

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