Tag Archives: Poses

The Advantages Of Doing Yoga: “You Will No Longer Be A Slave To Your Body…The Greatest Gift You Can Receive.” – Vanda Scaravelli

Jennifer Miller YogaGoddes 2012“Your everyday activities will improve and become more efficient. You will have less time for useless occupations that are constantly in the way, preventing your contact with more essential things;

You are going to have a better digestion if you do some poses before eating when you are tired;

You will need to sleep fewer hours, as your body will be more relaxed during the night;

You will gain a few inches, eliminating that curve along the back of the spine, and therefore you are going to be a little taller;

You will be able to stand for hours without getting tired, if you gravitate properly on your heels with the knees straight;

You will be able to improve the poses, as there is no end in progress;

You are going to straighten yourself if one part of the body is weaker than the other, by paying a lot of attention while doing your poses, and by continuing this attention throughout the day you will reach a better balance;

You will no longer be a slave to your body, as the independence from it is the greatest gift your can receive.”

From: “Awakening the Spine: The Stress-free New Yoga That Works with the Body to Restore Health, Vitality and Energy” by Vanda Scaravelli

Yoga Pose Weekly: Scorpion Pose (Vrischikasana)

Jennifer Miller Scorpion Best


Yoga Pose Weekly

YogaPose Weekly Photo: “Ushtrasana” Pose By Jennifer Miller In Desert Hot Springs, CA

Jennifer Miller YogaPose Weekly Ushtrasana


Yoga Pose Weekly

Website Spotlight: “YogaPoseWeekly.com” Features YogaGoddess In Photos Of The Week

Click on photo to vote for Jennifer in Yoga Pose Weekly contest.

Click on photo to vote for Jennifer in Yoga Pose Weekly contest.

Yoga Pose Weekly

“Yoga Is The Path…The Experience Of Realization, Samadhi” From ‘Bhagavad Gita Demystified’

“Yoga…is the path and not the goal. It is the experience of the path that matters. The bliss that we experience during this path is the experience of realization, samadhi.”

“Tittibhasana” Pose by Jennifer Miller

From “Bhagavad Gita Demystified” by Nithyananda Paramahamsa