Tag Archives: Balance

“To Be Able To Stay In Our Heart…Takes Openness, Expansion And Learning To Be Vulnerable”

By Jennifer Miller

Jennifer Miller Upward Dog PoseTo be able to stay in our heart as we navigate life is truly beautiful. It takes openness, expansion and learning to be vulnerable. My heart is like my inner guidance system, giving signals energetically. If something feels right, it sings with happiness; negative energy is sensed as well.

“When we complete the journey to our own heart, we will find ourselves in the hearts of everyone else.”

Father Thomas Keating, in Be The Change

I have realized what a gift my journey has been, with the most difficult times  opening my heart even more. I now feel a connectedness, a oneness with all.


“In An Asana, The Mind Has To Reach Inside The Body To Find A Quiet Space…” – Geeta Iyengar

Utthita-Parsvakonasana pose by Jennifer Miller “In an asana, the mind has to reach inside the body to find a quiet space until a point comes where perfect balance is felt. If the mind is wandering while practicing, then one is not fully present, and there can be no union. Involvement, interpenetration and insight are the required qualities for the practitioner.”

Geeta Iyengar, Eldest Daughter of B.K.S. Iyengar

“Countless Words Count Less Than The Silent Balance Between Yin And Yang” – Lao Tzu

“The Importance Of Balance In Life” By Jennifer Miller

“Balance” is truly the key to life.  Critical to my path towards self-realizaton is a process of “witness consciousness”, where I can observe myself and my emotions. When I am a little bit “off”, I can hopefully identify those emotions that undermine my feelings of peace and “balance”.
What I feel in my body, the world will project back to me. When I feel grounded, things just seem to go smoothly. It is so very important to have “fun and joy” in life, as part of our balance.
When I feel that the child in me needs to play, I should always take the time to play. While at the beach yesterday,  I looked out into the ocean and I saw something moving out in the water. What could it be?

Looking closer, I could see that it was two seals frolicking and playing together.

I felt pure delight. I had never seen this before! And they continued on for at least 20 minutes. I felt pure joy.  These two seals shared the wisdom of the importance of play.
Years ago, when feeling really happy,  I would perform my “horsey dance”. I had a beautiful standard poodle, Harvey, who would get so excited during my dance that he would nip at and actually bite my bottom. We nicknamed him “butt-biter”.  It seems so silly, but it was so important. More recently, as I have been going through a very difficult time in my life, my horsey dance has not been as spontaneous or frequent. But today, I feel the need to dance, feeling the “pure joy of being alive” and being grateful for all that I have. And all that I am.

What did you love to do as a child?

What do you have that makes you giggle and laugh for the pure joy of it?.

Strive to find your inner “silly child”. It is so important to be able to laugh with and at ourselves.

Don’t let anyone or anything  take away your happy.

Happy Dancing.
Jennifer Miller

Reflections On Eckhart Tolle’s “A New Earth”: “A Balanced You” By Jennifer Miller

“A New Earth” by Eckhart Tolle makes very important statements on the “balance” we need in life to feel fulfilled. I like the term “A Balanced You”.
” When we find that connection with Source, which creates the balance in our lives, we become vehicles for awakened consciousness to express in our world. Then everything changes.”
Tolle believes that women are ahead of men when it comes to awakening.

The feminine is naturally more connected with being because they have never completely lost the connectedness with FEELING.

Because the ego was never as deeply rooted in women, it is losing its hold on them more quickly than men. This is also why there are more women teaching “collective awakening”.

Namaste, Jennifer Miller

Praise For My Feet As I Begin My “Sun Salutations”….

My toes need to be spread to create balance and eveness as I proceed through my Surya Namaskara or "Sun Salutations". Jennifer

I awoke this morning and planted both feet on the floor and thought about how far these feet have taken me.  I gazed at my toes and felt an overwhelming love that these feet have never let me down; we have been on quite a journey together so I feel a duty to show them the respect they deserve. So I promised these beautiful tootsies I would be mindful as I walked through my day starting with the present moment.

My yoga practice begins from my feet up. As I look down, I imagine each foot as a lotus, spreading my toes and knowing that my feet will support my body. I need to be centered and grounded. My toes need to be spread to create balance and eveness as I proceed through my Surya Namaskara or “Sun Salutations”.

My feet are quite “unique” as my left foot is two sizes smaller then my right. I contemplate this and realize that my right brain, which is the intuitive and emotional side, is very developed while my left brain is less so. I will go about my day very mindful of the importance of my feet as they represent the natural balance between my feminine and masculine sides. I will honor both the “Anima-Feminine” and the “Animus-Masculine” traits as they both have served me well.
Thank you tootsies. Jennifer Miller.