Monthly Archives: May 2014




” How do you follow the course of your life if you do not let it flow”.
Lao Tzu
My daughters birthday 25 the same age as I was when I had her the innocent young woman that I was I brought her home from the hospital with all the confidence of a seasoned mother my own mother looked on saying ” are you sure you don’t want help” I couldn’t possibly give my newborn to the care of another not even in the hospital I hid her in my bed not wanting her exposed to the nursery. My beautiful daughter was soon to be my right hand gal as we held on tight for a wild ride through exposure of a man I thought I knew her father, through the darkness of where addiction brings people. My innocence turned into wisdom my headstrong personality turned into courage my loving heart turned into fierce loyalty to my children’s safety and well being. I thank my four children for being my greatest teacher. I note to you all WE MADE IT!!!!!!!