Category Archives: Family

Reflections On Raising Daughters To Call On Their Own Masculine While Maintaining Their Feminine

By Jennifer Miller

Flowers of the soulWitnessing my daughters Navigating life and
Concerned they do not have
A father around.
They have learned to call
On their own masculine
While maintaining their feminine.
Transforming their pain
Into strength.
Sorrow into wisdom.
Broken hearts into kindness and compassion.
Their wit and humor is always present.
So many gifts come out of the struggles and
Journey of life when we look close enough
To see all the beauty and blessings.

A Beautiful Tribute From The Voice: “Hallelujah”

A Prayer For The Families In Newtown, Connecticut

Prayer by Jennifer MillerMy heart and prayers go out to all the families and loved ones that were victimized by the horrible tragedy in newtown, connecticut.


“Lighting Candles, Hanging Lights And Letting Things Be With Words By Paul Ferrini”

By Jennifer Miller
Jennifer Miller Dvi-Pada-Sirsasana Pose 2012Fire up the Pavoni.
Morning coffee, so good.
Lighting candles and incense as
I start my morning yoga practice.
Arriving on the mat is like coming home again.
Beautiful morning walking the dogs, aka “the babies”.
Breathing in the coves of Laguna ahhh!!

Breakfast at the local cafe; cool people, artist types.

Walking out, a homeless woman under a blanket.
All I can see is one foot.
My heart sinks and I want to ask her what she needs?
I know she is probably an addict.
Back home to make homemade granola.
A yum yum Christmas tradition.
Looking through the mail and
a child support check arrives.
It’s been a while.
My mind goes to the last 5 years.
No father in these kid’s lives.
No anger… only hope.
Could this man possibly change?
I let it go to the Spirit and check my heart.
It’s in a good place.
Forgiveness is there.
My beloved hangs Christmas lights.
So many years without lights.
They symbolize healing for my family.
I look around….
No lights in the small neighborhood.
We have been judged here.
A single mom and trouble with her son.
We are the ones with lights.
A big lesson in my journey: do not judge by the outside.
Open up a new book.

Click on book to purchase and benefit the Heart Based Healing Foundation.

Click on book to purchase and benefit the Heart Based Healing Foundation.

A favorite thing to do.
Reading,  deep reflections come to me.
The poetic words of Paul Ferrini:
Life is constantly asking us to make adjustments,
to give up our agenda.
It is asking us to give up the conceit that we know the way things are supposed to be.
Letting things be is a way of saying to God
“I’m willing to dance with you.”
From “Dancing With The Beloved”.
Namaste, Jennifer Miller
Contact Jennifer Miller at

Contact Jennifer Miller at

“Living An Authentic Life After A Hero’s Journey” By Jennifer Miller

Sharing our life experiences connects us with humanity, keeping alive a timeless tradition that evolved before the written word. These stories can bring us hope in knowing that others have been through similar experiences, becoming stronger and wiser people.
I always feel so much more connected to people who are genuine, authentic and not afraid to show the “rawness of life”. Our culture favors perfection, with families  broadcasting “great successes” and their children’s “accomplishments”.

But so much beauty in life can come from the “hero’s journey”, where we emerge victorious and eager to benefit those around us.

What I have come to treasure most in life are the hardships I have overcome, and the satisfaction of feeling “heroic” in many ways. These “accomplishments” are my badge of honor. To live through challenging times and not only survive, but to emerge victorious and “thrive”, will bring all of us a sense of incredible joy and satisfaction.

To live a truly authentic life makes us vulnerable, but it is a life worth living. “I am who I am” and I can live with that.

Namaste, Jennifer Miller 

“Finding Our Soul In The Little Girl Who Beat To Her Own Drum” By Jennifer Miller

“I am who I am”, not to be defined by conventions regarding a “role” as wife , mother, or daughter.

As a child, I was always told by people that “I beat to my own drum”. And because I did not always conform to the “rules”, my actions were frowned upon by my family and schools that I attended.

I can now see the beauty of following our soul and not caring what others think or say about us. Although I would lose this part of my soul at times, life would always bring it back to me.

Women, by allowing society and others to “define” them as daughter, wife and mother, come to believe that their “identity” resides outside their soul and bodies…Our ego becomes attached to these external realities, and it makes reclaiming our soul very difficult at times.

When my life collapsed several years ago, destroying all of my so-called dreams of having the “perfect family”, I found my soul again in the little girl that “beat to her own drum”. And her little voice told me that “I am who I am”, not to be defined by conventions regarding a “role” as wife , mother, or daughter.

 “I am me…a soul free to grow and expand beyond societal restrictions”

As women, we must reach out and embrace the infinite as this is always in the best interest of the soul. Do not let anyone or anything define your Dharma. We should strive for independence, and like a child follow our hearts.

The best path to understanding the connection with “our truth” is to start living it, breathing it, thinking it, acting it and ultimately “feeling it”.

Namaste, Jennifer Miller

“Women Must Break The Chains Of Attachment And Denial To Find Happiness” By Jennifer Miller

“Attachment is the origin, the root of suffering; hence it is the cause of suffering.”
  “The Dalai Lama at Harvard: Lectures on the Buddhist Path to Peace” (1988)
I have personally known many women who were trapped in unhappy marriages or relationships, and chose to stay in those often abusive relationships because it at least provided them with a sense of financial security and stability. These women, and many like them, have become “attached” to these relationships and lifestyles, and are suffering and miserable as a result.
So much of our unhappiness is caused by attachment to things, people, images and even “visions of ourselves”. It starts with wanting and desiring and can progress to craving and obsessing. Becoming prisoners, “in” relationships and marriages and “of” things, women often try to numb the pain and suffering, “living in denial” as they attempt to escape “their” reality.
I will be writing more on “attachment”,  with unhappiness, suffering and “living in denial” as a result. I was married to an abusive man who destroyed our family life and financial security through drug, alcohol and sexual addictions. But I made the painful decision to leave him, divorce, and raise my children on my own. Through my yoga practice and spiritual studies, I was able to stabilize and make decisions that have benefitted my life and family.
The value of living a healthy life, free of craving “things” and being grateful each day for what I have are the secret to being happy. I seek to help women through very tough times in their lives by “going there” and learning to how to break the chains of attachment. I want to use the gift of my life experiences to assist women in coping with substance abuse and addictions in loved ones. And finally, help women transform their body, mind and spirit through their essential soul’s wisdom.
Namaste, Jennifer Miller

A Poem For My Mother: “If Only You Knew The Things I Could Say…” By Savannah Robison

“I love you with my heart…”


If only you knew the things I could say,
Painting a picture of my love is a task I will slay.
I’ll start with the little things, for they happen so much,
A kiss on the cheek, a slap on the butt.
You have that special touch whether in food or in love,
But really all I need is something to be proud of.
You stand tall regardless of impending hardship,
You have taught me so much, like getting my grip.
Your beautiful blue eyes or your abs of steel,
I give you my body, and I get yours, deal?
Our fights are often, and we know how to punch,
But what people don’t know is what happens at brunch.
I guess all I can say is thank you, Mom;
I love you with my heart, you are the bomb.
Savannah Robison

“My Family’s Gift Of Freedom…To Release The Past”

How free I feel today!

Today I accept your gift and gratitude encompasses my heart.

I was given the gift to release the past and celebrate the future.

My heart is rejoicing; my soul feels peaceful closure and forgiveness.
I had a ceremony where I released stones into the ocean honoring freedom.
I lit a candle and incense and offered a prayer of gratitude.
My family has come through for me; their love affirmed.
I thank them for knowing that life is a balance of giving and receiving.

I love you Mom and Dad

I look forward to the day when I can repay you in kind; to give back to “you”.
Today I accept your gift and gratitude encompasses my heart.

Jennifer Miller