Category Archives: Child

A Beautiful Tribute From The Voice: “Hallelujah”

A Prayer For The Families In Newtown, Connecticut

Prayer by Jennifer MillerMy heart and prayers go out to all the families and loved ones that were victimized by the horrible tragedy in newtown, connecticut.


“Finding Our Soul In The Little Girl Who Beat To Her Own Drum” By Jennifer Miller

“I am who I am”, not to be defined by conventions regarding a “role” as wife , mother, or daughter.

As a child, I was always told by people that “I beat to my own drum”. And because I did not always conform to the “rules”, my actions were frowned upon by my family and schools that I attended.

I can now see the beauty of following our soul and not caring what others think or say about us. Although I would lose this part of my soul at times, life would always bring it back to me.

Women, by allowing society and others to “define” them as daughter, wife and mother, come to believe that their “identity” resides outside their soul and bodies…Our ego becomes attached to these external realities, and it makes reclaiming our soul very difficult at times.

When my life collapsed several years ago, destroying all of my so-called dreams of having the “perfect family”, I found my soul again in the little girl that “beat to her own drum”. And her little voice told me that “I am who I am”, not to be defined by conventions regarding a “role” as wife , mother, or daughter.

 “I am me…a soul free to grow and expand beyond societal restrictions”

As women, we must reach out and embrace the infinite as this is always in the best interest of the soul. Do not let anyone or anything define your Dharma. We should strive for independence, and like a child follow our hearts.

The best path to understanding the connection with “our truth” is to start living it, breathing it, thinking it, acting it and ultimately “feeling it”.

Namaste, Jennifer Miller

A Poem For My Mother: “If Only You Knew The Things I Could Say…” By Savannah Robison

“I love you with my heart…”


If only you knew the things I could say,
Painting a picture of my love is a task I will slay.
I’ll start with the little things, for they happen so much,
A kiss on the cheek, a slap on the butt.
You have that special touch whether in food or in love,
But really all I need is something to be proud of.
You stand tall regardless of impending hardship,
You have taught me so much, like getting my grip.
Your beautiful blue eyes or your abs of steel,
I give you my body, and I get yours, deal?
Our fights are often, and we know how to punch,
But what people don’t know is what happens at brunch.
I guess all I can say is thank you, Mom;
I love you with my heart, you are the bomb.
Savannah Robison

Quotes For Mothers: “Making The Decision To Have A Child – It’s Momentous…”

“Making the decision to have a child – it’s momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking outside your body.”

Elizabeth Stone

“The Importance Of Balance In Life” By Jennifer Miller

“Balance” is truly the key to life.  Critical to my path towards self-realizaton is a process of “witness consciousness”, where I can observe myself and my emotions. When I am a little bit “off”, I can hopefully identify those emotions that undermine my feelings of peace and “balance”.
What I feel in my body, the world will project back to me. When I feel grounded, things just seem to go smoothly. It is so very important to have “fun and joy” in life, as part of our balance.
When I feel that the child in me needs to play, I should always take the time to play. While at the beach yesterday,  I looked out into the ocean and I saw something moving out in the water. What could it be?

Looking closer, I could see that it was two seals frolicking and playing together.

I felt pure delight. I had never seen this before! And they continued on for at least 20 minutes. I felt pure joy.  These two seals shared the wisdom of the importance of play.
Years ago, when feeling really happy,  I would perform my “horsey dance”. I had a beautiful standard poodle, Harvey, who would get so excited during my dance that he would nip at and actually bite my bottom. We nicknamed him “butt-biter”.  It seems so silly, but it was so important. More recently, as I have been going through a very difficult time in my life, my horsey dance has not been as spontaneous or frequent. But today, I feel the need to dance, feeling the “pure joy of being alive” and being grateful for all that I have. And all that I am.

What did you love to do as a child?

What do you have that makes you giggle and laugh for the pure joy of it?.

Strive to find your inner “silly child”. It is so important to be able to laugh with and at ourselves.

Don’t let anyone or anything  take away your happy.

Happy Dancing.
Jennifer Miller

“To Feel The Other Side Of Darkness…Is Light” By Jennifer Miller

Picture in your mind’s eye when you were a child; a beautiful time in your life. How old were you? What are you wearing?

How did you feel?

"...the other side of light."

What were you doing?

Keep this picture with you when your mind starts to go to the dark place…and bring in the light of the young child.

Ask the child: What do you need?

 Listen and allow yourself to feel any emotions that surface. I like to place my hand on my heart and allow my feelings to flow. I have learned to mother myself and “be” with the moments of sadness.

The only way out is to feel within our bodies all the repressed emotions that need to surface.

 Allowing, accepting, and feeling the other side of darkness.… is light.

Namaste, Jennifer Miller