Monthly Archives: April 2012

“What Your Yoga Practice Reveals About Your Life” By Jennifer Miller

How do you show up on your mat?

Are you in the present on your mat, realizing what each Asana is here to show you? Jennifer Miller

As a yoga practitioner for over 10 years, I have become very aware of the life connection between “how you are on the mat” and your state of being. 

There are many types:
  • Loud Moaning Yogi   They sound like they are having a Meg Ryan “When Harry Met Sally” moment…attempting to achieve the Big O right there on the mat.
  • Sloppy Sweating Yogi   Frequently uncontrolled, all over the place, these types  frequently drip sweat on your area. Unconcerned with anything around them. (I once had a wet towel thrown on my mat; not once, but three times. Each time I grabbed it with my foot and put it back in their area. Yes, my foot. I must say these feet of mine are pretty talented).
  • Intense Oblivious Yogi   Characterized by pushing their practice to the limit and not listening to their bodies. (I see many injuries with these types. You don’t  mess with them or their practice).
  • Super Zen Yogi  Just being near them you feel peace, acceptance and, kindness. (I love them).
  • Competitive Egocentric Yogi   Think “You’re So Vain” by Carly Simon, and you understand this type…always one eye on those around them and the mirror. They want to be better than you but they are not at peace with who they are.
  • Graceful Connected Yogi   Their practice flows with Spirit in every movement, as if connected to a higher source. Each Asana is a dance with life. They are Zen and Grace unified with the whole of the Universe. (I feel they are in the present on their mat, realizing what each Asana is here to show them:  Mind, Body and Spirit in Divine Harmony).

How are you on the mat?

Do you see a connection to the mat and your personality?

Can you stay in the moment and BE with what is?

Try observing yourself during your next practice and be present to what the beauty of Yoga has to teach us all.


Namaste, Jennifer Miller

Quote For The Day: “Always Aim At Complete Harmony Of Thought…”

“Always aim at complete harmony of thought, word and deed. Always aim at purifying your thoughts and everything will be well.”


Mahatma Gandhi

“My Family’s Gift Of Freedom…To Release The Past”

How free I feel today!

Today I accept your gift and gratitude encompasses my heart.

I was given the gift to release the past and celebrate the future.

My heart is rejoicing; my soul feels peaceful closure and forgiveness.
I had a ceremony where I released stones into the ocean honoring freedom.
I lit a candle and incense and offered a prayer of gratitude.
My family has come through for me; their love affirmed.
I thank them for knowing that life is a balance of giving and receiving.

I love you Mom and Dad

I look forward to the day when I can repay you in kind; to give back to “you”.
Today I accept your gift and gratitude encompasses my heart.

Jennifer Miller

Reflections On Healthy Eating: “Feed Your Soul”

"What do I need to feed my soul?" Jennifer Miller

Instead of starving youself or overeating, ask questions:

What do I need to feed my soul?

What is empty inside me that needs to be taken care of?

Wrap your arms around your body:

What needs to be Mothered in my inner child?

What is your heart telling you?

What is your tummy really craving?

We have to nourish our souls or we will look to food to do it for us.
We have to be able to say to ourselves:

I love you.

I am here for you.

What do I really need?

What needs to be fed in your soul?

Namaste, Jennifer Miller 

Quote For The Day: “Let Us Always Meet…”

” Let us always meet each other with smile, for the smile is the beginning of love”

Mother Teresa

“Her Light” By Savannah Robison

Her Light

She beheld the open light
Lustrously flowing,
Seeking her infinite dreams
Night overcame, the good vanished.
The horror of the lifeless chamber
Cold dew freezing over, extinguishing the flame.
Her shriveled body, dreary and deprived,
Of that light she sought with unfinished anxiety.
The jaws of the corpse detained her
Her mortal form began to sink.
Inarticulate sounds, agitation and fear
Remained the greatest subjects of her mind
She beheld that glimmer of the dimming yellow moon.
That bitterness and disappointment have endured
Determined to overthrow her demons,
And inhabit her once beautiful life.
Escaping the chamber, she can finally dream
A spoken refuge, who kissed her demons
That open light is infused, and will not vanish.
Savannah Robison
Jennifer Miller: “My Daughter, Savannah Robison, is a true Teen Warrior and Young Lady. She has seen so much in her early years. Rather than become a victim of life, she is a hero in my eyes. She lost a father and almost a brother. She has learned her inner calling and now follows her intuition…Strong beyond words. Her wisdom radiates from her core. She is a loyal friend to all that are blessed by her presence. It is interesting to observe that in not having a father in her life, she has developed great balance in her Male/Female energy.  She has learned to “father” herself and found the wisdom to identify wonderful male role models. I am truly thankful for all of them. Thank you, my wonderful daughter, for allowing me to be your Mother. I love you and I am so very proud. Love , MOM”

Thoughts For The Day: “Last Night’s Rain…” By Jennifer Miller

The natural process to Renew, Reclaim, and Rebirth after every rain,
How wonderful is that!

The rain is a gift.

Gazing out my window this morning I realized that last night’s rain cleansed our  beautiful Earth.
The natural process to Renew, Reclaim, and Rebirth after every rain;
How wonderful is that!
I observed that my soul needed an inner cleansing as well.
Our bodies undergo a process of cell death followed by a truly miraculous cell renewal.
Why can’t our conscious self?
 We have the power to do this for our souls to sustain life .
I thank my inner Goddess for her patience when I need to regain my postion next to her .
Today I will honor my inner Temple and celebrate the gift of life.
Namaste, Jennifer Miller

Quote For The Day: “Knowing Yourself Is…”

“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all Wisdom” 


Namaste, Jennifer Miller

“Reflections On The Importance Of Being Kind” By Jennifer Miller


I woke up this morning and while making my coffee, the word “KIND” popped into my head.

If everyone was KIND to one another, what a difference it would make.

I looked up KIND and discovered wonderful meanings for such a simple word:


  • Of a friendly, generous, or warm-hearted nature.
  • Sharing sympathy or understanding, charitable.
  • Humane, considerate.
  • Forbearing, tolerant.
  • Generous, liberal.
  • Agreeable, beneficial.
We must ALL contribute to the “kindness” needed in the world.
Namaste, Jennifer Miller

“To Feel The Other Side Of Darkness…Is Light” By Jennifer Miller

Picture in your mind’s eye when you were a child; a beautiful time in your life. How old were you? What are you wearing?

How did you feel?

"...the other side of light."

What were you doing?

Keep this picture with you when your mind starts to go to the dark place…and bring in the light of the young child.

Ask the child: What do you need?

 Listen and allow yourself to feel any emotions that surface. I like to place my hand on my heart and allow my feelings to flow. I have learned to mother myself and “be” with the moments of sadness.

The only way out is to feel within our bodies all the repressed emotions that need to surface.

 Allowing, accepting, and feeling the other side of darkness.… is light.

Namaste, Jennifer Miller

“We Must Be Willing To Let Go…”

“We must be willing to let go of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us.” Joseph Campbell (1904-1987)

Praise For My Feet As I Begin My “Sun Salutations”….

My toes need to be spread to create balance and eveness as I proceed through my Surya Namaskara or "Sun Salutations". Jennifer

I awoke this morning and planted both feet on the floor and thought about how far these feet have taken me.  I gazed at my toes and felt an overwhelming love that these feet have never let me down; we have been on quite a journey together so I feel a duty to show them the respect they deserve. So I promised these beautiful tootsies I would be mindful as I walked through my day starting with the present moment.

My yoga practice begins from my feet up. As I look down, I imagine each foot as a lotus, spreading my toes and knowing that my feet will support my body. I need to be centered and grounded. My toes need to be spread to create balance and eveness as I proceed through my Surya Namaskara or “Sun Salutations”.

My feet are quite “unique” as my left foot is two sizes smaller then my right. I contemplate this and realize that my right brain, which is the intuitive and emotional side, is very developed while my left brain is less so. I will go about my day very mindful of the importance of my feet as they represent the natural balance between my feminine and masculine sides. I will honor both the “Anima-Feminine” and the “Animus-Masculine” traits as they both have served me well.
Thank you tootsies. Jennifer Miller.

Quote For The Day: “Our Deepest Fear…”

 “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.”

Marianne Williamson From “A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of A Course in Miracles” (1992)

Wishing you Peace, Harmony, Laughter and Love.   Jennifer

“Prayer To Start And End The Day” By Jennifer Miller

I am truth.
I am love.
I am honest.
I am a good Mother.
I am surrounded by beautiful people.
I am a Woman of Strength and Courage.
I am in loving relationships that support and nourish me.
I am healing people through body, mind and spirit.
I am prosperous in all that I do.
Jennifer Miller

Thoughts On A Necklace With A Small Key…

My dear friend gave me a necklace with a small key. It was very symbolic for several reasons. I am reminded of the story of Bluebeard, the folk tale about  following our intuition as women and falling for men who want to possess , control and keep us from being the strong courageous woman that we are. In the story, a woman marries a man who on the outside looks wonderful but on the inside has demons. She lives in a huge castle and seems to be living in a fairytale. Her husband has to leave one day and gives her a key chain with many keys and informs her that she can go into every room except one. She invites her sisters over and, of course, curiosity gets the best of them. They go into the forbidden room and find skulls by the dozens,  representing his ex-wives. She quickly locks the door but the key is pouring blood and is dripping all over her. When the maiden’s husband returns, the sisters go off to find the brothers knowing what is in store for their sister. The need to call on the masculine, the brothers, represents the male psyche. As women, it is so important to balance the energy of the Male/Female, the Yin/Yang….Jennifer
I am blessed for this key… it is the key to my truth and heart.

Yoga Goddess: “I am a Woman of Strength and Courage”