Tag Archives: Women

Taking Time To See, Listen To And Respect The Homeless This Holiday Season

By Jennifer Miller

Homeless in Laguna BeachConnecting with the homeless and
Passing out gift bags.
Walking the boardwalk.
Men and women just starting to rise.
Observing, witnessing:
“Thank you for taking time to talk with us.”
“My blood pressure just went down
While petting your dogs.”
“Did you get the pups Christmas Bones?”
They truly just wanted to be seen, respected, heard.
Smiles with missing teeth, yet
Gratitude filled their presence.
Walking the boardwalk in the future,
Taking time to talk to them and
Have them pet my dogs.

The biggest gift of all.

Feeling The Deep Sorrows Of Being Human Allows Us To Experience The True Joy Of Healing

By Jennifer Miller

Should we strive to be TAO (Transparent, Authentic and Open) at all times? I have always been open and honest with who I am as it has been an important part of my journey.

But are there times when we should refrain from opening our souls to others?

I have been reflecting on this and feel that so much of happiness in life is  dependent on relationships that nourish our body and soul. We must seek out positive energy to maintain our life force and vitality. This is why we must spend as much time as possible with members our tribe, people who support us emotionally and give us love and comfort. The “emotional vampires” , selfish and self-absorbed people who can drain our happiness and vitality, must be avoided.
But there are events and situations, when we are a part of a group that is either unknown or possibly hostile to us, that we should make an exception. It was at one such event that I found myself this weekend. I was invited to attend a Bridal Shower for a friend that I have exercised with for many years, who was getting married for the first time. One of the women in the room mentioned to the group that I had gone through one of the worst divorces she had ever seen.
I naturally shared with the ladies many intimate details of the my married life and how traumatic my separation and divorce were. I have thoroughly processed my anger and grief and feel true forgiveness now. In keeping with TAO, I opened up hoping that my story might inspire and/or give hope to someone in the room.
But at the end of the event, my body was very stressed and I knew that my openness had taken a huge toll on me both emotionally and spiritually. The fact that many of these women might use what I had said as a source of gossip and not as a source of enlightenment represented the risk I took by being authentic.
This represents an inner struggle I have within me. Whether to live by TAO at all times or be guarded when meeting with others that I do not have either an immediate or established connection. When we live our lives in fear of the unfamiliar or unknown, we risk shutting down emotionally and spiritually.
I choose to remain dedicated to TAO, realizing that there are risks to being authentic and true to myself and journey, but the rewards are so much greater.

Contact Jennifer Miller at yogagoddesslaguna@yahoo.com

I have been through the dark night of the soul and have come back into the light of life. It is only through feeling the deep sorrows of being human that we can experience the true joy of healing, which leads to self-realization and ultimately inner peace.

If I could help just one woman in that room to better deal with the pain and suffering that can affect any one of us in life, then the stress of being truly authentic and open would have been worth it.
Namaste, Jennifer Miller

“In The End These Things Matter Most: How Well Did You Love?…How Deeply Did You Let Go?” Siddhartha Gautama

“Yoga Tones The Bodies And Nourishes The Souls Of The Women At The Recovery House”

By Jennifer Miller
Walking through the doors at the Recovery House, the ladies came up to me with a request: they wanted to see a picture of me before I started yoga. “I bet you always looked like this” said one. The group’s interest turned into a discussion of one of the big benefits of yoga: getting in shape after having a baby. These questions and others are all very honest and touching, reflecting how concerned they are with their appearance and bodies.
A question then came up about whether my yoga practice excited my husband when I was married, again showing the physical and sexual interest the poses had in their minds. I then told them about very painful parts of my life, where yoga helped me to process my grief, to the point where I am now able to laugh at many of these traumatic times.
I could feel, and see in their eyes, that my words were very comforting to these women, all of whom were dealing with trauma and change in their lives. One of the young ladies asked me why I volunteered here.

 I told her that presenting the gift of yoga allowed my soul to give back some of the beautiful calm and peace I felt during times of great pain…

They were all very moved and I knew some were true believers. I felt my heart sing with joy that they could understand. I began to work on some individual asanas with a few of the girls. At first they are scared in trying something new, but three of the girls all nail the “crow” pose. I was cheering and clapping and didn’t know who was more excited.
A girl in the back of the room asked me what poses would help her tighten her stomach and lose weight. I told her that yoga connects our minds and bodies, and that by maintaining the connection while eating, she could learn to eat only until feeling full. This honors the body as it is the temple for our soul.
Nearing the end of our time together, I hear that one of the girls is cleaning a yoga mat to take to her room to practice, while another one is listening to a yoga tape. I can see the slow progress we are making, and know in my heart that if you can touch one life you’ve made a difference in the world. On my way out they bring their babies over…the beauty of connecting with the human spirit.
Namaste, Jennifer Miller

“Crossing The Street To Break The Cycle Of Suffering” By Jennifer Miller

“Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results.”  ― Albert Einstein, Theoretical Physicist

Is it possible to “flow” with life and be free of “attachments”? Can you “Be In The Present Moment” and accept what is? Are you ok with the “cards” you have been dealt, and not straining to control the outcome of events?
I speak with many women who are “vested” in an “outcome” and will seemingly go to any length in order to achieve it. But setting healthy and attainable goals and manifesting dreams requires us to “let go”.

All of us put our desires and dreams out into the universe and hope they are realized some day. But it is very unhealthy to keep putting our energy into people and things, over and over again, and then wishing for a different outcome. The Einstein quote I referenced defines this as “insanity”, or “crazy”, reminding me of a favorite quote:

“When You See Crazy Coming, Cross The Street”Iyanla Vanzant, New Thought Spiritual Teacher

“Crossing the Street” is recognizing when we have become “attached” to harmful and debilitating thoughts, actions and “things” in life  and taking the steps necessary to avoid repeating the “same old mistakes”.

But it is hard to break with these “things”, and many women choose to numb out and block the pain and suffering of attachment through drinking and sedatives. They are in denial while justifying their lives to family, friends and themselves. I advise them to make the tough choice to feel their emotions; all of them know their situation or choices are not healthy or stable.

I will write more on the importance of living in the present and appreciating and loving ourselves. Embrace your emotions because when you feel them, you are living your life and not avoiding reality. This is the beauty of feeling and healing; and the secret of breaking the cycle of suffering.

Namaste, Jennifer Miller

Reflections On Mother’s Day: “Trusting Our Instincts To Be The Best Mother” By Jennifer Miller

As a young mother at 25, I remember being so innocent and in love. There were really no thoughts about the future; I lived seemingly “breath to breath”. 

I trusted my instincts to be the best mother and it came naturally to me.

From the moment I placed my firstborn child at my breast, I felt I was born to be a mother. I loved all four bundles of joy with all my heart and soul. And as each grew older, I grew with them, changing moment to moment to accommodate their growing needs.

There is a fine line in nurturing our children: do we allow them to fall and grow from the experience or do we constantly watch over them and step in before mishaps. I chose to let them learn and not be rescued. 

I let them open their wings to fly and become independent freethinkers.

And my children are all very independent freethinkers. I feel such love and pride when I think of our journey together. But I am also thankful of the gift they gave to me: to be their mother. I sometimes wish that all the pain and hardship could have been avoided. But I see the strength of character and courage that only life can place in your soul.

I stand as a proud witness, watching them grow into young adults. They are the fruit of a mother’s labor. Although they cannot completely see or feel it yet, I know one day they will return love to me in kind.

I have learned to honor myself as a mother; when I am in my power and take care of me, my light shines brighter.

Happy Mother’s Day!

Namaste, Jennifer Miller

“Women’s Intuitive Wisdom” By Jennifer Miller

“Women’s Intuitive Wisdom”

A woman’s cycle exists for so many beautiful reasons. Our bodies are truly amazing. Yesterday, I was feeling not quite myself; I took a gaze at my calendar and, yes, it’s that time of the month.
I could feel myself going inward. What is this incredible miracle, my body, telling me? As I reflect, it is clear: it needs time to heal and feel.

It is part of the beautiful cycle of life that I can get quiet and listen to my body’s intuitive wisdom, always knowing what the soul needs.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful that if in this quiet, reflective time, we could be honored and nurtured as mothers and women? That someone would hear our spirit calling and arrive to nurture our souls?
I love the biblical concept of “The Red Tent” where a woman could take refuge with a tribe of women during our cycle or giving birth; mother, sisters and aunts are there for questions, laughter, and healing. As a child I had a teepee that I would go into for peace and quiet; I felt so safe. I can still remember that wonderful feeling.

The little girl in me long ago, knew how to take care of herself.

Our circle of family and friends is our tribe. It is so important to surround to ourselves with people that honor and nurture “all” of us. I thank my womanly cycle for allowing me to go within during this “time” and honor my healing and feeling. If friends and associates bring me down, I will choose “not” to have them around me as this is the ultimate statement of “self love”.
I pray we breathe in the fullness of love and then extend it to all.
Namaste, Jennifer Miller

Reflections On Healthy Eating: “Feed Your Soul”

"What do I need to feed my soul?" Jennifer Miller

Instead of starving youself or overeating, ask questions:

What do I need to feed my soul?

What is empty inside me that needs to be taken care of?

Wrap your arms around your body:

What needs to be Mothered in my inner child?

What is your heart telling you?

What is your tummy really craving?

We have to nourish our souls or we will look to food to do it for us.
We have to be able to say to ourselves:

I love you.

I am here for you.

What do I really need?

What needs to be fed in your soul?

Namaste, Jennifer Miller 

“Her Light” By Savannah Robison

Her Light

She beheld the open light
Lustrously flowing,
Seeking her infinite dreams
Night overcame, the good vanished.
The horror of the lifeless chamber
Cold dew freezing over, extinguishing the flame.
Her shriveled body, dreary and deprived,
Of that light she sought with unfinished anxiety.
The jaws of the corpse detained her
Her mortal form began to sink.
Inarticulate sounds, agitation and fear
Remained the greatest subjects of her mind
She beheld that glimmer of the dimming yellow moon.
That bitterness and disappointment have endured
Determined to overthrow her demons,
And inhabit her once beautiful life.
Escaping the chamber, she can finally dream
A spoken refuge, who kissed her demons
That open light is infused, and will not vanish.
Savannah Robison
Jennifer Miller: “My Daughter, Savannah Robison, is a true Teen Warrior and Young Lady. She has seen so much in her early years. Rather than become a victim of life, she is a hero in my eyes. She lost a father and almost a brother. She has learned her inner calling and now follows her intuition…Strong beyond words. Her wisdom radiates from her core. She is a loyal friend to all that are blessed by her presence. It is interesting to observe that in not having a father in her life, she has developed great balance in her Male/Female energy.  She has learned to “father” herself and found the wisdom to identify wonderful male role models. I am truly thankful for all of them. Thank you, my wonderful daughter, for allowing me to be your Mother. I love you and I am so very proud. Love , MOM”

Thoughts For The Day: “Last Night’s Rain…” By Jennifer Miller

The natural process to Renew, Reclaim, and Rebirth after every rain,
How wonderful is that!

The rain is a gift.

Gazing out my window this morning I realized that last night’s rain cleansed our  beautiful Earth.
The natural process to Renew, Reclaim, and Rebirth after every rain;
How wonderful is that!
I observed that my soul needed an inner cleansing as well.
Our bodies undergo a process of cell death followed by a truly miraculous cell renewal.
Why can’t our conscious self?
 We have the power to do this for our souls to sustain life .
I thank my inner Goddess for her patience when I need to regain my postion next to her .
Today I will honor my inner Temple and celebrate the gift of life.
Namaste, Jennifer Miller

Thoughts On A Necklace With A Small Key…

My dear friend gave me a necklace with a small key. It was very symbolic for several reasons. I am reminded of the story of Bluebeard, the folk tale about  following our intuition as women and falling for men who want to possess , control and keep us from being the strong courageous woman that we are. In the story, a woman marries a man who on the outside looks wonderful but on the inside has demons. She lives in a huge castle and seems to be living in a fairytale. Her husband has to leave one day and gives her a key chain with many keys and informs her that she can go into every room except one. She invites her sisters over and, of course, curiosity gets the best of them. They go into the forbidden room and find skulls by the dozens,  representing his ex-wives. She quickly locks the door but the key is pouring blood and is dripping all over her. When the maiden’s husband returns, the sisters go off to find the brothers knowing what is in store for their sister. The need to call on the masculine, the brothers, represents the male psyche. As women, it is so important to balance the energy of the Male/Female, the Yin/Yang….Jennifer
I am blessed for this key… it is the key to my truth and heart.