Category Archives: Praise

“Living An Authentic Life After A Hero’s Journey” By Jennifer Miller

Sharing our life experiences connects us with humanity, keeping alive a timeless tradition that evolved before the written word. These stories can bring us hope in knowing that others have been through similar experiences, becoming stronger and wiser people.
I always feel so much more connected to people who are genuine, authentic and not afraid to show the “rawness of life”. Our culture favors perfection, with families  broadcasting “great successes” and their children’s “accomplishments”.

But so much beauty in life can come from the “hero’s journey”, where we emerge victorious and eager to benefit those around us.

What I have come to treasure most in life are the hardships I have overcome, and the satisfaction of feeling “heroic” in many ways. These “accomplishments” are my badge of honor. To live through challenging times and not only survive, but to emerge victorious and “thrive”, will bring all of us a sense of incredible joy and satisfaction.

To live a truly authentic life makes us vulnerable, but it is a life worth living. “I am who I am” and I can live with that.

Namaste, Jennifer Miller 

“Heart-Based Healing” From Jennifer Miller (Video)

A Poem For My Mother: “If Only You Knew The Things I Could Say…” By Savannah Robison

“I love you with my heart…”


If only you knew the things I could say,
Painting a picture of my love is a task I will slay.
I’ll start with the little things, for they happen so much,
A kiss on the cheek, a slap on the butt.
You have that special touch whether in food or in love,
But really all I need is something to be proud of.
You stand tall regardless of impending hardship,
You have taught me so much, like getting my grip.
Your beautiful blue eyes or your abs of steel,
I give you my body, and I get yours, deal?
Our fights are often, and we know how to punch,
But what people don’t know is what happens at brunch.
I guess all I can say is thank you, Mom;
I love you with my heart, you are the bomb.
Savannah Robison

Reflections On Mother’s Day: “Trusting Our Instincts To Be The Best Mother” By Jennifer Miller

As a young mother at 25, I remember being so innocent and in love. There were really no thoughts about the future; I lived seemingly “breath to breath”. 

I trusted my instincts to be the best mother and it came naturally to me.

From the moment I placed my firstborn child at my breast, I felt I was born to be a mother. I loved all four bundles of joy with all my heart and soul. And as each grew older, I grew with them, changing moment to moment to accommodate their growing needs.

There is a fine line in nurturing our children: do we allow them to fall and grow from the experience or do we constantly watch over them and step in before mishaps. I chose to let them learn and not be rescued. 

I let them open their wings to fly and become independent freethinkers.

And my children are all very independent freethinkers. I feel such love and pride when I think of our journey together. But I am also thankful of the gift they gave to me: to be their mother. I sometimes wish that all the pain and hardship could have been avoided. But I see the strength of character and courage that only life can place in your soul.

I stand as a proud witness, watching them grow into young adults. They are the fruit of a mother’s labor. Although they cannot completely see or feel it yet, I know one day they will return love to me in kind.

I have learned to honor myself as a mother; when I am in my power and take care of me, my light shines brighter.

Happy Mother’s Day!

Namaste, Jennifer Miller

Quotes For Mothers: “Making The Decision To Have A Child – It’s Momentous…”

“Making the decision to have a child – it’s momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking outside your body.”

Elizabeth Stone

“My Family’s Gift Of Freedom…To Release The Past”

How free I feel today!

Today I accept your gift and gratitude encompasses my heart.

I was given the gift to release the past and celebrate the future.

My heart is rejoicing; my soul feels peaceful closure and forgiveness.
I had a ceremony where I released stones into the ocean honoring freedom.
I lit a candle and incense and offered a prayer of gratitude.
My family has come through for me; their love affirmed.
I thank them for knowing that life is a balance of giving and receiving.

I love you Mom and Dad

I look forward to the day when I can repay you in kind; to give back to “you”.
Today I accept your gift and gratitude encompasses my heart.

Jennifer Miller

Praise For My Feet As I Begin My “Sun Salutations”….

My toes need to be spread to create balance and eveness as I proceed through my Surya Namaskara or "Sun Salutations". Jennifer

I awoke this morning and planted both feet on the floor and thought about how far these feet have taken me.  I gazed at my toes and felt an overwhelming love that these feet have never let me down; we have been on quite a journey together so I feel a duty to show them the respect they deserve. So I promised these beautiful tootsies I would be mindful as I walked through my day starting with the present moment.

My yoga practice begins from my feet up. As I look down, I imagine each foot as a lotus, spreading my toes and knowing that my feet will support my body. I need to be centered and grounded. My toes need to be spread to create balance and eveness as I proceed through my Surya Namaskara or “Sun Salutations”.

My feet are quite “unique” as my left foot is two sizes smaller then my right. I contemplate this and realize that my right brain, which is the intuitive and emotional side, is very developed while my left brain is less so. I will go about my day very mindful of the importance of my feet as they represent the natural balance between my feminine and masculine sides. I will honor both the “Anima-Feminine” and the “Animus-Masculine” traits as they both have served me well.
Thank you tootsies. Jennifer Miller.