Category Archives: Love

A Beautiful Tribute From The Voice: “Hallelujah”

“Possibilities Are The Gifts Of Living For A Higher Purpose”

By Jennifer Miller
YogaGoddessPossibilities are
The gifts of living
For a higher purpose.
Survival into courage.
Loss created openness
As deception turned to trust.
Heartache into strength.

Click on book to purchase and benefit Heart Based Healing Foundation.

Click on book to purchase and benefit Heart Based Healing Foundation.

Knowledge grew to wisdom.
Near-death to greater Life as
Hope found freedom.
Sorrow into oneness with
Dreams fulfilling vision.
Heart Based Healing.


I slept and dreamt that life was joy.
I awoke and saw that life was service.
I acted and behold, service was joy.

Rabindranath Tagore, Indian Poet and Playwright, as quoted in “Be The Change”, by Ed and Deb Shapiro

Namaste, Jennifer

The Importance Of Surrounding Ourselves With Positive People As We Clean Our Spiritual House

By Jennifer Miller

My weekend morning walks with the babies (my two small dogs) have been so enjoyable and nurturing for my soul and spirit. As we walked into a small cafe in downtown Laguna and stood in line to order, two women, who appeared to be in their mid-50’s, walked in behind us. I could immediately sense that both of them were comfortable with who they were, and their confidence and grace added to the positive energy I usually feel when I come here.

And it gave me an opportunity to reflect on my life and the lives of so many women. Middle-age is a time to examine the health of our “inner selves” and honor the journey that has brought us to this point. For many of us, the proceeding 20-25 years required us to be “GIVERS”, sacrificing for our children and husbands. As our role changes, we must seek out relationships and activities that nourish our body and soul. So it is very important that our support group of family and friends be sources of positive energy, and not drain us of our vitality.

 Who is on Team Jen? Who is there to support and root for me?

I have been cleaning my home recently in a way that is very healthy and life-enhancing. I believe this reflects my desire to “clean house” in my emotional life as well. I am present and in the moment, sorting through physical and mental “attachments”, seeing what are necessary and which should be discarded. As I sat in the crowded cafe patio, eating a wonderful breakfast, I am deeply connected with positive and calming sounds.

I hear birds chirping. Surrounded by people talking, I am one with birds chirping…and peace fills my body.

The day before while grocery shopping at “Trader Joes”, I sensed a woman looking at me and my daughter. She looked to be about 70 and I smiled and made room for her, thinking that she needed to get by. She came up to me and grabbed my hand and said:

“If I could come back in my next life and be you for 10 seconds I would be the happiest woman in the world.  You and your daughter are so beautiful.”

Contact Jennifer Miller at

This was one of kindest compliments I have ever received. I told her thank you and that true beauty lies within all of us. She responded by saying that she knew I would say that, and if she felt otherwise, she would never have said it.

My daughter and I smiled at each other and thought that this lady was a truly beautiful person. I asked her If I could take her home with me. She represented to me the beauty of aging with grace.

Namaste, Jennifer Miller


“Love, Without Desire To Possess…This Is The Highest Love.” – Love Or Loving-Kindness (Metta), One Of The Four Basic Sublime States In Buddhism

Reflections On “A Course In Miracles”: Choosing to Live In A Place Of Love And Not Fear

“No matter what is going on in my body, I strive to remain in a quiet place of peace.” Jennifer Miller

By Jennifer Miller

Marianne Williamson’s “A Course in Miracles” teaches that most of us live in a place of love or fear. We have a choice of how we want to be and act in any given situation.I have been reflecting recently that I am at a point in my life where I am aware of how am feeling and, if I am reacting to these feelings, I know it. I am striving to limit these “reactions”, and remain in the moment, a state of peaceful quietude where nothing can “rock my world”.

And I continue to make progress. There have been many situations in the past year that might have “taken me out”. I now strive to find that place of acceptance and often, detachment, which allows me to step back and say to myself “I see what is going on here…game over”.

Every one of us can chose to live in fear or love at that very moment. I recently watched Marianne Williamson speaking to Oprah about how our life’s blueprint is designed to achieve our highest purpose.

Anyone can “download” their life plan but if it is not synchronized with our emotions, we have little chance of fulfilling our highest purpose.

In yoga, we are trained to stay with our breath. Whatever asana or posture we are in, no matter what is going on in my body, I strive to remain in a quiet place of peace. Our body and mind follow our breath. I strive daily to remain conscious of this and come back to this “place of peace” when I feel rattled or off in some way.

Ahhhh… that beautiful connection to our soul is all through the discipline of BREATH…

Namaste, Jennifer Miller

“In The End These Things Matter Most: How Well Did You Love?…How Deeply Did You Let Go?” Siddhartha Gautama

“When We Feel Love And Kindness Towards Others…” – Dalai Lama XIV

Photograph of Whooper Swans from the National Geographic (February, 2011)

“The Importance Of Being Our Own Best Friend”

By Jennifer Miller

I was just thinking of how important it is for most of us to have a best friend. We never forget that best friend from childhood, who was there for so many important moments as we grew up. That best friend may not have been your best friend after high school; in truth, we can have many best friends over our lifetime.

I searched important quotes on “Friendship” and many familiar and famous statements came up. But one stood out to me:

A friend is one that knows you as you are, understands where you have been, accepts what you have become, and still, gently allows you to grow.

The quote is attributed to William Shakespeare, but is also cited as being Anonymous. The source is the 16th Century, and I feel it addresses the importance of a (best) friend knowing our past, present and future selves. But who….

       “knows you as you are…”

                 “understands where you have been…”

                                        “accepts what you have become…”

                                                                       “allows you to  grow…”

The list of our friends that meet those responsibilities really narrows. And the truth is, that a friend, with those virtues, is most likely busy with their own life. And the person who most likely could meet all four would be your “soul mate”, and in a perfect world, your husband or wife.

Our best friend is, must be, ourself. We must be able to open up our heart and soul and love what we see. We must accept our own failures and successes with grace and ease, and not condemn ourselves when we make a mistake.

To love our “best friend within”, unconditionally, is to have a best friend for life.

Namaste, Jennifer Miller

Reflections On Life: “DoYou Know Who Your Tribe Is?…You Will If They Nourish Your Soul”

By Jennifer Miller
Most of us want to belong to a group. We have our identity defined in many cases by the people who relate to us, support us or confirm our “status” within the community where we live or work.
But do you know who your tribe is?

A special group of people “having a common character or interest” is the definition of a tribe…but it is so much deeper when you connect with someone’s “soul”.

I want to believe that my tribe is the group of family and close friends I spend the most time with. But to bond with women, or men, at the soul level, requires as much luck as it does length in the relationship getting to know someone. It takes a tremendous amount of energy to maintain friendships, and like a long-term investment, there has to be the outlook for the soul to be nurtured and grow.

“The relationship with your self is the most important relationship you’ll ever have.”

This quote by Dr. Judith Orloff is so important. If we find ourselves giving more in our relationships that we receive, it will come at the cost of our own well-being. Who fills my soul and who drains my energy? There are two sides of me: a fun, free spirit side and a deeply spiritual side. Neither can remain healthy and vibrant if I am surrounded by people who take away my vital force. Choose to be with people who nourish the soul, and consider them members of your tribe.

Make a pact with yourself to be aware of the energy of those around you. Those that drain your energy, who don’t make your heart sing with joy, are not the people you should have around you. My soul knows my tribe and it always feels like coming home.

Namaste, Jennifer Miller

“Sun Salutation” By Jennifer Miller

“Our Soul’s True Purpose” By Jennifer Miller (Video)

We must all strive to connect our mind, body and spirit to find our soul’s true purpose.

Rumi, a 13th Century Persian Poet, wrote beautifully about the importance of following your heart to find love and purpose in life….

My video presents 5 of his most beautiful quotations.

“What I have come to treasure most in life are the hardships I have overcome, and the satisfaction of feeling “heroic” in many ways. To live through challenging times and not only survive, but to emerge victorious and “thrive”, will bring all of us a sense of incredible joy and satisfaction.”

“To live a truly authentic life makes us vulnerable, but it is a life worth living. I am who I am and I can live with that.”

Jennifer Miller

“Heart-Based Healing” From Jennifer Miller (Video)

A Poem For My Mother: “If Only You Knew The Things I Could Say…” By Savannah Robison

“I love you with my heart…”


If only you knew the things I could say,
Painting a picture of my love is a task I will slay.
I’ll start with the little things, for they happen so much,
A kiss on the cheek, a slap on the butt.
You have that special touch whether in food or in love,
But really all I need is something to be proud of.
You stand tall regardless of impending hardship,
You have taught me so much, like getting my grip.
Your beautiful blue eyes or your abs of steel,
I give you my body, and I get yours, deal?
Our fights are often, and we know how to punch,
But what people don’t know is what happens at brunch.
I guess all I can say is thank you, Mom;
I love you with my heart, you are the bomb.
Savannah Robison

Reflections On Mother’s Day: “Trusting Our Instincts To Be The Best Mother” By Jennifer Miller

As a young mother at 25, I remember being so innocent and in love. There were really no thoughts about the future; I lived seemingly “breath to breath”. 

I trusted my instincts to be the best mother and it came naturally to me.

From the moment I placed my firstborn child at my breast, I felt I was born to be a mother. I loved all four bundles of joy with all my heart and soul. And as each grew older, I grew with them, changing moment to moment to accommodate their growing needs.

There is a fine line in nurturing our children: do we allow them to fall and grow from the experience or do we constantly watch over them and step in before mishaps. I chose to let them learn and not be rescued. 

I let them open their wings to fly and become independent freethinkers.

And my children are all very independent freethinkers. I feel such love and pride when I think of our journey together. But I am also thankful of the gift they gave to me: to be their mother. I sometimes wish that all the pain and hardship could have been avoided. But I see the strength of character and courage that only life can place in your soul.

I stand as a proud witness, watching them grow into young adults. They are the fruit of a mother’s labor. Although they cannot completely see or feel it yet, I know one day they will return love to me in kind.

I have learned to honor myself as a mother; when I am in my power and take care of me, my light shines brighter.

Happy Mother’s Day!

Namaste, Jennifer Miller

Quotes For Mothers: “Making The Decision To Have A Child – It’s Momentous…”

“Making the decision to have a child – it’s momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking outside your body.”

Elizabeth Stone

Wisdom For Life From Oriah Mountain Dreamer’s “The Invitation”: “I Want To Know…”

“I want to know if you can see beauty even when it’s not pretty, every day, and if you can source your own life from its presence.”


“I want to know if you can live with failure, yours and mine, and still stand on the edge of the lake and shout to the silver of the full moon, “Yes!”

“Women’s Intuitive Wisdom” By Jennifer Miller

“Women’s Intuitive Wisdom”

A woman’s cycle exists for so many beautiful reasons. Our bodies are truly amazing. Yesterday, I was feeling not quite myself; I took a gaze at my calendar and, yes, it’s that time of the month.
I could feel myself going inward. What is this incredible miracle, my body, telling me? As I reflect, it is clear: it needs time to heal and feel.

It is part of the beautiful cycle of life that I can get quiet and listen to my body’s intuitive wisdom, always knowing what the soul needs.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful that if in this quiet, reflective time, we could be honored and nurtured as mothers and women? That someone would hear our spirit calling and arrive to nurture our souls?
I love the biblical concept of “The Red Tent” where a woman could take refuge with a tribe of women during our cycle or giving birth; mother, sisters and aunts are there for questions, laughter, and healing. As a child I had a teepee that I would go into for peace and quiet; I felt so safe. I can still remember that wonderful feeling.

The little girl in me long ago, knew how to take care of herself.

Our circle of family and friends is our tribe. It is so important to surround to ourselves with people that honor and nurture “all” of us. I thank my womanly cycle for allowing me to go within during this “time” and honor my healing and feeling. If friends and associates bring me down, I will choose “not” to have them around me as this is the ultimate statement of “self love”.
I pray we breathe in the fullness of love and then extend it to all.
Namaste, Jennifer Miller

“My Family’s Gift Of Freedom…To Release The Past”

How free I feel today!

Today I accept your gift and gratitude encompasses my heart.

I was given the gift to release the past and celebrate the future.

My heart is rejoicing; my soul feels peaceful closure and forgiveness.
I had a ceremony where I released stones into the ocean honoring freedom.
I lit a candle and incense and offered a prayer of gratitude.
My family has come through for me; their love affirmed.
I thank them for knowing that life is a balance of giving and receiving.

I love you Mom and Dad

I look forward to the day when I can repay you in kind; to give back to “you”.
Today I accept your gift and gratitude encompasses my heart.

Jennifer Miller

Quote For The Day: “Let Us Always Meet…”

” Let us always meet each other with smile, for the smile is the beginning of love”

Mother Teresa