Tag Archives: Sun Salutations

“Sun Salutation” By Jennifer Miller

Praise For My Feet As I Begin My “Sun Salutations”….

My toes need to be spread to create balance and eveness as I proceed through my Surya Namaskara or "Sun Salutations". Jennifer

I awoke this morning and planted both feet on the floor and thought about how far these feet have taken me.  I gazed at my toes and felt an overwhelming love that these feet have never let me down; we have been on quite a journey together so I feel a duty to show them the respect they deserve. So I promised these beautiful tootsies I would be mindful as I walked through my day starting with the present moment.

My yoga practice begins from my feet up. As I look down, I imagine each foot as a lotus, spreading my toes and knowing that my feet will support my body. I need to be centered and grounded. My toes need to be spread to create balance and eveness as I proceed through my Surya Namaskara or “Sun Salutations”.

My feet are quite “unique” as my left foot is two sizes smaller then my right. I contemplate this and realize that my right brain, which is the intuitive and emotional side, is very developed while my left brain is less so. I will go about my day very mindful of the importance of my feet as they represent the natural balance between my feminine and masculine sides. I will honor both the “Anima-Feminine” and the “Animus-Masculine” traits as they both have served me well.
Thank you tootsies. Jennifer Miller.