Tag Archives: Books

“Feelings Are Like Fluid Waves Of Energy…Like The Ebb And Flow Of Tides, The Waning And Waxing Of The Moon” – Anita Johnson

Jennifer Miller Cycles“Feelings are like fluid waves of energy. Like the waves we see in the ocean, they come in, peak, and pass, come in, peak, and pass. They have a natural cyclical rhythm like the ebb and flow of tides, the waning and waxing of the moon. The flow of feeling is as natural as the flow of life itself.”

From “Eating In The Light Of The Moon: How Women Can Transform Their Relationship With Food Through Myths, Metaphors, And Storytelling” by Anita Johnson


“Developing Trust In Relationships Is Like Putting Marbles In A Jar…” – Martha Beck Reviews “Daring Greatly: How The Courage To Be Vulnerable Transforms The Way We Live” By Brene Brown

Reflections On “A Course In Miracles”: Choosing to Live In A Place Of Love And Not Fear

“No matter what is going on in my body, I strive to remain in a quiet place of peace.” Jennifer Miller

By Jennifer Miller

Marianne Williamson’s “A Course in Miracles” teaches that most of us live in a place of love or fear. We have a choice of how we want to be and act in any given situation.I have been reflecting recently that I am at a point in my life where I am aware of how am feeling and, if I am reacting to these feelings, I know it. I am striving to limit these “reactions”, and remain in the moment, a state of peaceful quietude where nothing can “rock my world”.

And I continue to make progress. There have been many situations in the past year that might have “taken me out”. I now strive to find that place of acceptance and often, detachment, which allows me to step back and say to myself “I see what is going on here…game over”.

Every one of us can chose to live in fear or love at that very moment. I recently watched Marianne Williamson speaking to Oprah about how our life’s blueprint is designed to achieve our highest purpose.

Anyone can “download” their life plan but if it is not synchronized with our emotions, we have little chance of fulfilling our highest purpose.

In yoga, we are trained to stay with our breath. Whatever asana or posture we are in, no matter what is going on in my body, I strive to remain in a quiet place of peace. Our body and mind follow our breath. I strive daily to remain conscious of this and come back to this “place of peace” when I feel rattled or off in some way.

Ahhhh… that beautiful connection to our soul is all through the discipline of BREATH…

Namaste, Jennifer Miller

“See If You Can Give Yourself Gifts That May Be True Blessings, Such As Self-Acceptance…” – Jon Kabat-Zinn

“See if you can give yourself gifts that may be true blessings, such as self-acceptance, or some time each day with no purpose.”

“Practice feeling deserving enough to accept these gifts, without obligation–to simply receive from yourself, and from the universe.”

“Wherever You Go, There You Are: Mindfulness Meditation in Everyday Life”  By Jon Kabat-Zinn

“Yoga Is The Path…The Experience Of Realization, Samadhi” From ‘Bhagavad Gita Demystified’

“Yoga…is the path and not the goal. It is the experience of the path that matters. The bliss that we experience during this path is the experience of realization, samadhi.”

“Tittibhasana” Pose by Jennifer Miller

From “Bhagavad Gita Demystified” by Nithyananda Paramahamsa

“Yoga Is Primarily A Practice Intended To Make Someone Wiser…” By T.K.V. Desikachar

“Yoga is primarily a practice intended to make someone wiser, more able to understand things than they were before.”

“The goal is always bhakti…to approach the highest intelligence, namely, God.”

T.K.V. Desikachar from “The Heart of Yoga: Developing A Personal Practice”.

Quote For The Day: “When The Mind Is Still…” By Eknath Easwaran

“When the mind is still, we can become an instrument of peace.”

Eknath Easwaran from “Strength in The Storm: Creating Calm in Difficult Times”

Reflections On Eckhart Tolle’s “A New Earth”: “A Balanced You” By Jennifer Miller

“A New Earth” by Eckhart Tolle makes very important statements on the “balance” we need in life to feel fulfilled. I like the term “A Balanced You”.
” When we find that connection with Source, which creates the balance in our lives, we become vehicles for awakened consciousness to express in our world. Then everything changes.”
Tolle believes that women are ahead of men when it comes to awakening.

The feminine is naturally more connected with being because they have never completely lost the connectedness with FEELING.

Because the ego was never as deeply rooted in women, it is losing its hold on them more quickly than men. This is also why there are more women teaching “collective awakening”.

Namaste, Jennifer Miller