Tag Archives: Gifts

“Possibilities Are The Gifts Of Living For A Higher Purpose”

By Jennifer Miller
YogaGoddessPossibilities are
The gifts of living
For a higher purpose.
Survival into courage.
Loss created openness
As deception turned to trust.
Heartache into strength.

Click on book to purchase and benefit Heart Based Healing Foundation.

Click on book to purchase and benefit Heart Based Healing Foundation.

Knowledge grew to wisdom.
Near-death to greater Life as
Hope found freedom.
Sorrow into oneness with
Dreams fulfilling vision.
Heart Based Healing.


I slept and dreamt that life was joy.
I awoke and saw that life was service.
I acted and behold, service was joy.

Rabindranath Tagore, Indian Poet and Playwright, as quoted in “Be The Change”, by Ed and Deb Shapiro

Namaste, Jennifer

A Generous Gift Of Yoga Mats That Will Transform The Lives Of Women At The Recovery House

By Jennifer Miller

Jennifer Miller with gift of 20 yoga mats from the “lululemon athletica” store in Newport Beach, CA.

I had exciting news to share with “The Girls” at the Recovery House this week. Mats are a very important part of a yoga practice and I have been working hard to find a store or company to donate new mats to the program.

Several weeks ago I approached the “lululemon athletica” store in Newport Beach and spoke with the lady in charge of their “Giving Program”. I shared with her my vision of bringing young women at risk the beautiful and healthy benefits of yoga and she was quickly in agreement with the importance of a quality mat.

After numerous emails, the store agreed to donate 20 MATS! I was so grateful and I made the announcement Monday that I would be bringing them to the Recovery Home next week.

My new goal is to get the girls their own personal yoga mat. I will be seeking a store or supplier to share the vision of health and transformation that yoga has brought these amazing young women and mothers.

Thank you again lululemon for your very generous gift. You have made a difference in women’s lives.

We at lululemon have a vision of elevating the world and we do this through the relationships we establish, support and grow in all of our global communities. These relationships are currently grown through our store events, our supplier partnerships and other outreach. The Giving program acts as one of our tools for outreach and for elevating our communities.

“My Family’s Gift Of Freedom…To Release The Past”

How free I feel today!

Today I accept your gift and gratitude encompasses my heart.

I was given the gift to release the past and celebrate the future.

My heart is rejoicing; my soul feels peaceful closure and forgiveness.
I had a ceremony where I released stones into the ocean honoring freedom.
I lit a candle and incense and offered a prayer of gratitude.
My family has come through for me; their love affirmed.
I thank them for knowing that life is a balance of giving and receiving.

I love you Mom and Dad

I look forward to the day when I can repay you in kind; to give back to “you”.
Today I accept your gift and gratitude encompasses my heart.

Jennifer Miller